Quality is a top priority at Gartner. HSSEQ is part of the company philosophy and is reflected in all areas of services.
The company’s high standard of certification/assessments already achieved – ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, ISO 2800:2007, ISO 45001:2018, SQAS, SCC, IFS, GDP, BIO – is constantly being improved and is reviewed annually by TÜV auditors and supplemented by specific audits of our customers.
Special safety training – starting with courses in the field of load securing (conforming to VDI 2700ff) or within the framework of the Gartner Bulk Academy, and up to modular driving technique courses and awareness seminars – are just as much a matter of course as an innovative system dedicated to promoting workplace health.
The range of topics pertaining to quality assurance is rounded off by modern equipment, fail-safe IT or communication and monitoring systems that are all state-of-the-art.
The respective certificates are available under the “Downloads” section.